I always believed that I am the best in so many things! And was hoping for people around me to get better and give some competition.
But then I constantly see so many undeserving people around at the top! They just don't do even the basic things right! Even their basic acts suck!
Q: Now, should this feeling that I am the best make me feel any good or what?
Thought Process: Actually, just as I begin to pride myself at this one, I get confused - as I see that I am not where I should belong.
Realisation: No, I don't feel any better. If I were the best, then what the hell am I doing here !??! This restlessness is killing me.
I always believed that I am the best in so many things! And was hoping for people around me to get better and give some competition.
But then I constantly see so many undeserving people around at the top! They just don't do even the basic things right! Even their basic acts suck!
Q: Now, should this feeling that I am the best make me feel any good or what?
Thought Process: Actually, just as I begin to pride myself at this one, I get confused - as I see that I am not where I should belong.
Realisation: No, I don't feel any better. If I were the best, then what the hell am I doing here !??! This restlessness is killing me.